NIGHTLIFE | 'The Ultimate Black Party' 

After the closing of TILT, one of the Rochester's favorite LGBTQ+ clubs, a new series of drag events was created to have a safe, fun place for the community to revel. DeeDee Dubois has teamed up with a team of queens, local DJs, and Photo City Improv for DeeDee's Club Night Out. The series kicks off this week with "The Ultimate Black Party," featuring performances by DeeDee Dubois, Samantha Vega, Ginger KaiKai, KiKi BañañaHammøck, Wednesday Westwood, Mercedes Sulay, Hans Oliver, and DJ Mighty Mic.

DeeDee's Club Night Out: The Ultimate Black Party will take place Sunday, September 2, at 10 p.m. until late at Photo City Improv, 543 Atlantic Avenue. Ages 18+. Tickets are $12 for ages 18 to 20 and $5 for ages 21 and over.

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